





    Producer/王耿瑜Angelika Wang

1985 年,以《九歌》獲得金穗獎八釐米優等紀錄片,重要作品包括電影《練習曲》監製、《我的24 小時》導演、製片、《驚蟄》…。


The protagonist, Ming-hsiang decided to set off on a journey by cycling round Taiwan alone before college graduation. The seven days journey started from southern Taiwan, Kaohsiung, heading north passing by Taitung, Hualien, Ilan, Keelung, Linkou, Miaoli, and Changhwa. The people and sceneries he met along the way interwove with one another, performing the harmonic chords of life.


Along the way from Taitung to Hualien, he came across some people who strive to fulfill their dreams by image making. They work intently in hope of capturing the winds of Pacific Ocean into their films. As Ming-hsiang bikes to Badouzih, he finds it hard to put down his sentiments for the beautiful landscapes into words, for the place embraces the sweet memories of his first love and upbringings. Arriving at his hometown Baidong Village, Tongsiao Township in Miaoli, a simple calling of “Grandpa” and “Grandma evokes many of the childhood memories and strong kinship that has been long forgotten by many people. Finally, returning to the starting point, Kaohsiung, it is realized that though it was the end of the journey, precious memories are just beginning to unfold.


As the writer and director of Island Etude, En Chen takes the audience on a tour around Taiwan in 100 short minutes, introducing the customs, tourism, history and contemporary issues of the country. The diverse natural spectacles along Taiwan coastlines, real life stories of the people, and friends that En Chen has made through the many years he spent in the area, were all merged into the storylines. The ingenuous portrayal of the people and their lives in the film resemble a semi-documentary. The classic line in the travelogue, “there are certain things that if you don’t do now, you’ll never going to do it for the rest of your life,” touched the hearts of many people. After the release of the film, cycling around Taiwan has come into vogue that summer, it also set a number of records, including being released in the most number of theaters, with the longest run ever in 2007.  


花東 Hualien & Taitung

蘇花公路南澳鄉莎韻紀念公園 Suo-Yun Park

基隆碧砂漁港Bisha Fishing Port

基隆八斗子公園Badouzih Coastal Park

宜蘭縣南澳鄉漢本車站Hanben Station

台東台11線濱海公路 Taitung’s 11th Coastal Highway

花蓮靜浦北回歸線立標 Tropic of Cancer Marker

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