
1953年《羅馬假期The Roman holiday》中男女主角奧黛麗赫本與葛雷哥萊畢克的戀愛故事,讓羅馬街景與古蹟給影迷留下深刻印象;1965年《真善美The Sound of Music》電影拍攝的薩爾茲堡,也成為奧地利著名觀光景點,儘管距離電影拍攝時間已超過四十年,遊客仍然趨之若鶩;1999年《將計就計Entrapment》中男女主角史恩康納萊與凱薩琳齊塔瓊斯在片中大顯身手,打響了吉隆坡雙塔的全球知名度,成為觀光客必去的景點之一。

在國內,以電影做為行銷管道打響景點知名度也有先例,1989年侯孝賢導演的《悲情城市A City of Sadness》,讓沒落的九份、金瓜石重拾風華。2008年魏德聖導演的《海角七號CAPE NO.7》故事背景貫穿日治時代到現代,描述愛情與夢想的實現,並用台灣的語言將市井小民生活的幽默、詼諧的對話與人生故事表露無遺,深刻地感動了各年齡層的觀眾,並在台灣創下逼近五億的電影票房。電影中阿嘉的家、茂伯的厝、友子阿嬤的老宅等場景,也成為當前最熱門的旅遊景點,這是在台灣「以電影帶動觀光」的最佳成功案例。


Movie is one of the most effective ways to promote tourism and raise brand awareness


Roman Holiday is a 1953 romantic comedy. 
The film introduced American audiences to actress Audrey Hepburn and movie icon Gregory Peck.  Hepburn won the Academy Award for Best Actress for her work in the film.The quaint Roman streets and historic relics regaled fans with unforgettable beauty. 12 years later, movie, The Sound of Music, became a sensational hit, and Salzburg, where the movie was shot, became an overnight tourist high spot in Austria.  Despite the 40-year gap since the movie was made, tourists are still flocking to these cities in swarms. In the 1999 movie, Entrapment, Sean Connery and Catherine Zeta Jones pulled out all the stops in the film and made the Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, and the towers `became another must-visit for travelers around the world.


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