製片/葉金勝 Chin-Sheng Yeh
1895 is the first movie in Taiwan in which the Hakka dialect is extensively spoken. The movie came highly recommended by politicians, and was heavily promoted on Formosa Television and Hakka TV. The film reenacted stories of the Hakka resistance armies against the invading Japanese troops, and was shot at over 30 locations across Taiwan. The beauty and magnificence of the scenes shot in the film rendered the work a rarity in Taiwan films.
Township Scholar Wu Tang-hsing from Miaoli’s Tongluo Bay decided to give up his academic pursuits for a military career as news of the Japanese invasion broke out. He formed a Yimin army, consisting of Hakka men, to defend his country. His wife, Huang Hsien-mei and womenfolk of the whole township joined hands to dye and make clothes, irrigating the farms, becoming the strong backup for the men. At first Wu was victorious in every one of his battles, but suffered a setback in Hsinchu when he attempted to block the Japanese army. He and his men struggled in Miali, and though the army finally defeated the Japanese troops, Wu died in the battle. The sad news came, and his now widowed wife, Huang Hsien-mei, committed suicide in memory of her dead husband. The work depicted harmony among different ethnic groups, a message that is sorely needed in the recent political tumult.
The movie featured a good number of popular historic sites in Taiwan, including the Lin Family Mansion and Garden, Shuangtang House in Hsin-pu and Tian Shuei Tang in Bei-pu. These scenes are expected to trigger a buzz in exploring the Hakka traditional treasures. In addition to the touching story, director Hong Zhiyu also hopes that the audience would listen to the message of his movie and learn to appreciate and love the land that mothers them – Taiwan.
苗栗 Miaoli
烏來內洞森林遊樂區 Forest Recreation Area
苗栗三義勝興(第一隧道)Miaoli Sanyi’s Shengxing (First Tunnel)
彰化民俗村 Changhua Folk-Custom Village
板橋林家花園 The Lin Family Mansion and Garden
新埔雙堂屋古厝Shuangtang House
基隆茶壺山步道 Keelung’s Teapot Mountain Pathway